General audience

General audience members can register for only $10 at the link below.  Note: it will show up at $112 with a $102 discount.  You will only be charged $10.


Note: exactly one author per paper must register as a “presenter” at a higher rate to cover publication and venue fees, following the procedure below (Speaker registration).

Speaker registration:

The cost per paper is $112, to cover both the publication fees and the venue fees.  This fee also covers the presenter’s registration for the conference.  Please go to the link below to register.  Exactly one author from each paper must register as a speaker.  (Other authors can register for only $10 as a general audience member, see registration information on the conference webpage, to be posted soon).

Important: After you register, 

1) Please forward your confirmation email to Yin Tat Lee at, with the subject line “APPROX/RANDOM Registration.”  

2) Please also fill out this Google form to indicate who is the presenter for each paper:

Please register each paper by July 19.

Submitting Materials:  The 20-minute video and “poster” (see “Conference format and instruction for authors” for more details) are both due by August 6.